DownloadAssassins Creed IV Black Flag complete with Update Addon DLC Freedom Cry
The year is 1715. Pirates rule the waters of the Caribbean and have established a lawless Republic. Among these outlaws is a lethal young captain named Edward Kenway. His notorious exploits earn the respect of legends like Blackbeard, but draw him into an ancient war that may destroy everything the pirates have built for themselves.
Review user :
AC: Black Flag was announced like a big break through for the series. Unfortunately it fails this in so many ways.
The single player content is carried out very badly. The multiplayer is totally the same, lacks the sight of the smallest innovations. It was satisfying two games ago... now it feels like Call of Duty...
The game mechanism are so dumb down, even a monkey could play the game. A lot of good features from the predecessor games are missing. Specially from the combat... this game was build around it, but still this is the most unpretending part of the game... Everything that was good in AC3's naval combat, devs just trashed all of it.
- There aren't any diffirences between ships... a 3500 tonne man of war will be as fast as Edward's small ship. The legendary ships are some kind of freaking jokes... they accelerate at 80 m/s and they are equipped with jet engines. WTF?
- Canon reload time is so low... it takes (even for the man of war's 100 canons) only 3 seconds... just spam full boardside volleys, that is the only thing you will do in combat. Frigates and man of war ships have some future tech gatling canons... they can fire up to 5 volleys in quick succession (under ~10 seconds)
- You can no longer change canon rounds like in AC3.
- Ship sails no longer takes dmg, chain-shots lost there whole function... oh wait they've got a new one, now they STUN ships like in damn WoW...
-This game is so arcade... you have the option to repair your ship AND loose all you notority after you board a ship.
Melee combat sucks also... Thee E is your ultimate key used for anything... counter, dodge, parry. HP potions removed entirely.
Edward regain heatlh automatically.. The fast-travel option added to the game, it has some nice side effects too, it can be used anytime, even in combat. Also recharges your full ammo supply (smokebombs, darts too) Eagle vision now tags enemies like the annoying wallhack in Far Cry 3. Assassinte missions are so arcade, you can run straight to your target, don't worry about being detected, because it's no longer cause desync. (mission fail, not even in story mission)
The world looks big on the map, but its feels empty even towns and also lacks detail. Side activities are so few and even those are so boring, just a tons of ridiculously easy assassination contracts.
This game won't provide any fun for whose played the older games. Black Flag is a huge disapointment. Made for 10 yrs old console-kids. This game probably don't deserve a medicore score.
Minimum Spek
OS: Windows Vista
Processor: Intel Core2Quad Q8400
Memory: 2GB
Hard disk space: 30GB
VGA: Geforce GTX 260/Radeon HD4870
Cara Install
1. Mount
2. Install Game
3. Copy crack ke folder game
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Download Game Assassins Creed IV Black Flag
Download Addon DLC Freedom Cry
Note : This release is an addon for Assassins.Creed.IV.Black.Flag-RELOADED. It will add the Freedom Cry addon DLC. It will also update your game to v1.04. No previous update is required to apply this addon.
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